A Fabulous Week in France

Our Year 5 pupils had the most fabulous week in France. Everyone was extremely excited to finally have the opportunity to experience a school trip abroad once again.

Their adventure began with a very early start ready to jump on board the coach. Safely in France, they didn’t waste any time and had fun taking a ride on a luge. After a busy day, complete with birthday celebrations for Mr Pickering, everyone was ready to relax in the lovely accommodation where the children were very excited to find TVs in their bedrooms – they just couldn’t understand why everything was in French though!

Day two started with a market mission. In groups of four, they were all given three euros and had to buy their own food for a picnic. They had to ask for items in French and everyone thoroughly enjoyed using their language skills. Back on board the bus, Madame Clayton reported a strong smell of Camembert! Following their picnic, they then visited a biscuiterie and learnt how to make biscuits. With time to spare, they chose to spend it on the beach. An already busy day was finished off with a visit to the bakery before dinner and a game of mini golf.

Day three involved learning lots about snails followed by working out on a 5k uphill cycle ride on a disused railway (and 5k downhill!), before spending their last euros in a supermarket. They then took a tour of the Canadian War Memorial of Vimy Ridge before heading back to their accommodation to squeeze everything into their suitcases for the journey home.

Our younger children in Chestnut Class were keen to make sure that their class teddy bears, Harry and Harriet, did not miss an opportunity to have an adventure too. Madame Clayton had kindly packed them in her suitcase for the week and children have loved seeing all their photographs!

A truly wondeful week was had by all with memories we are sure will last a lifetime.