A Trip to Burghley House

Years 3 and 4 travelled to Burghley House to learn all about the Tudors.

Back in the classroom, Year 3 wrote thank you letters to the excellent tour guides who showed them around the house. Monaco H in Year 3 wrote a wonderfully detailed letter:

Dear Alison and Dr Matt

Thank you for a lovely day at Burghley House.

I really loved when I saw Doctor Matt and it was quite funny when he put a rope on Joseph’s head to cure a headache.

I thought the ceilings were very beautiful in the rooms.

My favourite room was the book room where they used to dance at the balcony bit at the top. The lady said they had to wear special white gloves to get the books out of the little cupboards.

I liked dressing up and seeing the food that the royal people ate and the poor people ate. I think I would rather be a poor person that a rich person and lose my teeth. I dressed up as a poor person.

My least favourite part was seeing the turtle skeletons because I felt bad for the turtles getting killed and their heads on the kitchen wall. The lady told us about the kitchen a bit and said that the six year old boy used to turn a handle and roast a massive chicken. It took six hours to toast it.

I loved learning the dance with Allison. I thought that the dance was a bit unusual.

I thought that David Lord Burghley was a really good sports person with his medals.

Thank you for a great day at Burghley House.

From Monaco, Year 3