Boarding Fun

We hope you all had a fantastic and relaxing Christmas break. We welcomed the boarders back into the house ready to start the very busy Spring term. The first week back at school has gone by quickly, and we have all settled in nicely.

Monday: Monday night as usual was very relaxed. The children spent their evening activity doing some baking. Luckily, it turned out pretty well and went down a treat for them and the boarding staff. I wonder what they will get up to next week? As you can imagine there are always plenty of tasters around to try out the culinary delights.

Tuesday: Tuesday took us to the sports hall where we had a nail-biter of a football match ending 3-3. Excellent goal keeping from Molly and Horatio, Albert and Will H staying strong against the skilled attack of Nathan and Mr McDonnell, with Georgina and Amelia using their interesting techniques to tear up and down the wings for both teams.

Wednesday: On Wednesday evenings usually the children will watch some movies and chill, however this Wednesday they decided to have a game of hide and seek around school. Madame Clayton and Mr Jeffery also got involved. Amelia and Dion managed to squeeze themselves into some excellent hiding places, which I’m sure they’ll keep quiet about so not to give it away. Do we know where Madame Clayton was hiding?

Thursday: The Thursday evening activity is always fun and games, literally. The children played card games, hopefully teaching Mr Goodhand and Mrs Costello a thing or two. Molly and Albert came back from their Thursday night hockey training at Horncastle hockey club, which they both still very much enjoy. The evening then turned quite competitive with a few games on the Wii playing Just Dance and Wii bowling. It turned out to be quite a dance off between Nathan and Miss Bingham!

Friday: Our Friday night activity was a fun swim in the pool which the boarders enjoy. The boys started a game of water polo, whilst the girls kept out the way and played around on the big floats. There was great competition between the boys with Henry and Nathan showing off their agility even in the swimming pool. The girls did attempt to steal the ball at one point, however, unfortunately it didn’t last long. The children came back up to the dorms to carry on the Wii competition, with Mrs Trotter also strutting her stuff! They all enjoyed their evening snack of sandwiches and crisps before heading to bed.

We are very excited about our up and coming event to Crazee Bongos on Tuesday 6th February. Please get booked in as soon as you can

It is always a popular event and we have such a good time letting off steam there for a couple of hours.