Coronation Celebrations

During the week children were busy learning all about the Coronation before enjoying a celebratory picnic together.

Reception made their weekly trip to Westerley Care Home for an afternoon of Coronation-themed crafts; Year 2 created royal portraits in their Art lessons; Year 3 wrote letters to the King and produced a wonderful display of work; Years 5 and 6 created crowns; and in Forest School pupils identified the oldest tree and calculated how many Kings and Queens there have been since it was planted (they estimated 7!) before making nature crowns using natural resources. In Music lessons, Mr Ferguson had been busy teaching everyone a special Coronation song to perform at the picnic.

Sadly, the Great British weather put a slight dampener on the planned outdoor picnic with family and friends but, nevertheless, a wonderful time was had by children and staff who enjoyed food and a sing-song together.

God Save the King!