Harvest Festival Service

The first big event on the St Hugh’s musical calendar was the Harvest Festival, which took place on Friday 13th October. As our senior pupils were away on the Sports Tour to the Netherlands, this year we celebrated the changing of the season with pupils from Nursery to Year 6. It was a well-attended event, with St Peter’s Church full to the brim with pupils, families and friends of St Hugh’s present. 

Leading the service was Revd Canon Paul Noble, who returned to St Peter’s from All Saints Church, Monks Road, Lincoln. A huge thank you to Fr Paul for his address, which told of the importance of remembering promises and the story of Noah and the rainbow. Year 6 pupil, James F, delivered an articulate reading with poise and purpose. Well done, James!

Hymns included some Assembly classics, including “Autumn Days”, which is particularly fitting for our wider community, particularly those of the Royal Air Force, as it features the line “Jet planes meeting in the air to be refuelled, all these things I love so well”.

Pre Prep, including Nursery and Pre-School (for the first time) delivered a stunning performance of “Bean Harvest”, including actions of runner beans, broad beans, French beans, chilli beans and baked beans! They did an incredible job and should be very proud of their performance. 

Years 3 to 6 performed “For The Harvest”, a catchy, toe-tapping tune with a message of thanks for crops and being mindful of the things that we waste. The children certainly sang with gusto!

During the service, pupils gave donations of food to the Woodhall Spa Food Bank and a retiring collection raised over £180 towards the Woodhall Spa Group of Parishes. A huge thank you to pupils and parents for their generosity, and to St Peter’s Church for hosting us once again.