Media Day

As part of their Stage & Screen topic this term, Year 7 visited Newark College for a day in the Media Department. As well as linking to their Spring Term curriculum topic, this was a great opportunity for our Year 7 pupils to learn more about careers in the media and opportunities in further education.

Megan B and Gemma B tell us more:

First we started off our day by leaving the school at 9:00am and set off for Newark College. There were three tasks that we did:

  1. Podcasting
  2. Filming/vision mixing and TV show
  3. Magazine making

Group 1 was Jemima, Alicia, Ela, Will L and Fergus. Group 2 was Megan, Kitty, Max, Charlie, Charles and Will C. Group 3 was Annabelle, Gemma, Euan, Toby and Rupert. We then did all the activities in these groups, and rotated round so we got to try everything.

In the podcast studio, we had already prepared a little podcast about Shakespeare in our English lessons on Monday and so we had fun recording these. In the TV activity, we were in a film studio and we took it in turns to be in charge of the cameras, in charge of vision mixing the show and as the presenters. Then at the end, we got to watch our show back.

In the magazine making activity, we all had fun making our Romeo and Juliet film reviews look like real reviews from a professional magazine.

Everyone had a great day and we would like to thank Mrs Bonner-MacKenzie and Mr Jeffery for taking us. Thank you to the media department at Newark College – it was a fabulous day!