Successful May Fete

Friday’s May Fete was a huge success. The Pre Prep opened the fete with a lovely display of maypole dancing and then joined the jazz band to sing a couple of songs. There was an array of stalls including a chocolate tombola, toys, wine or water, homemade cakes, human fruit machine, face painting, hair braiding, candifloss and bouncing inflatables.

There was great anticipation as to who was going to “win” the Pie in the Face competition with Miss Hainsworth and Mr Ward running neck and neck throughout the week. In the end there was a late flurry of bids on Mr Ward and he took the pies fully in the face.

Thank you to our Parents’ Association for organising a wonderful event and all the volunteers for making it such a success. Over £2,000 was raised and this will go towards the adventure playground.