Unsung Book Awards

Last Thursday, seven children travelled to Uppingham to take part in a new event, the Unsung Book Awards. Previously the Carnegie Shadowing, this event was set up by the Uppingham librarian to encourage the children to choose a shortlist themselves from the 257 books nominated for this year's Carnegie medal. 

The pupils have been working their way through the shortlist since January and Thursday was their opportunity to meet with children from other schools, discuss the shortlisted books, and finally vote on their winning book.

The event, held in the school library, really encouraged the children to discuss their views and ideas about what they had read. The highlight was definitely the talk - including book recommendations - from Amy McKay, the Carnegie Medal National Coordinator. She was so impressed with Caitlin and Georgina's questions and book suggestions that she is really keen to come and visit us here at St Hugh's too - watch this space!

We finished off the afternoon with a vote followed by a well-deserved trip to the Buttery for some tuck! 

This event has really helped all the children involved to branch out with their reading. I hope that we will now have plenty of pupils interested in the Carnegie Medal Shadowing, to begin this week. Stay tuned for more details.