Woodhall Spa at War

This term Year 2 has been learning all about 'Woodhall at War'.

As part of their topic they travelled to the International Bomber Command Centre in Lincoln to find out why Lincolnshire earned the title ‘Bomber County’.

The whole class thoroughly enjoyed their visit, touring the impressive Spire, Memorial Walls and Peace Gardens. Thanks to the wonderful tour guides the experience was brought to life with real-life stories and workshops. The interactive displays proved very popular with everyone taking their role on board the Lancaster crew very seriously. The room went very quiet as they carefully listened to instructions over the headsets as they tried to navigate their way home while avoiding enemy fire!

Thank you to Hugo H-S for his summary of the day:

“We went to Bomber Command. It was cool. First we went to the Lancaster table. I was the gunner which was ace. Next the lady showed us a Mickey Mouse (gas) mask. I wouldn't want to wear that. I also wouldn't like to go in the Anderson Shelter. I bet it would be horrible. Finally we went outside to see the Spire. I liked the stories about Antic and Robert. It was amazing.”