Year 2 visit to International Bomber Command

On Tuesday 5th November Year 2 wrapped up their topic of ‘Woodhall at War’ with a visit to International Bomber Command in Lincoln.  First of all they heard the story of Alfie, a young man who was a rear gunner in the Lancaster.  They enjoyed taking their seats in the ‘Lancaster’ and finding out all about the various jobs on the plane.  They also got the chance to try and complete a mission, each taking a role on the interactive display.  We might have crashed in the water but we tried our best as Team Player Tortoises!  We also had the chance to ask lots of questions and see some of the clever ways the prisoners of war hid maps and compasses, in a monopoly game!  After lunch we went out and visited the memorial garden and spire, which is the same height as the Lancaster is wide.  We were each given a biography of a person from Bomber Command and found their names and placed a poppy on the wall to remember them and all those people who fought in the wars.  Thank you to Jess van der Drift for her great story telling and interesting facts.