Year 5 Geography Trip

Year 5 took a trip to Mr and Mrs Scott's farm.

Arriving at the farm, it took the children no time at all to introduce themselves to Mr Scott and his friendly assistant farm manager, Wellington the dog! Straight away there was a class photo op as they clambered onto, and into, the tractor parked in the yard. Mr Scott then led us through the many, varied and new ways the land is used on the farm, looking at the solar panels and the crops, from fava beans to wheat, and from potatoes to peas. We enjoyed sampling the vegetables - asparagus cut straight from the ground, and peas we shelled in the fields. Pupils also digested Mr Scott’s expert and easy-to-understand insights into the strategies and challenges of farming in 2020s Britain. 

Running races across the fields proved a hit, as did the chance to get into the cabs of various large farm vehicles (and beep the horn incessantly)! A delicious lunch was prepared and provided for us by Mrs Scott and daughter Annabel (a St Hugh’s alumna, and somehow having finished school for the summer after exams!).

After a lunch break exploring the woods we headed back for a debrief, via a sampling of the honey now being produced on the farm. Mr Scott offered prizes of asparagus bunches for ‘Best Question of the Day’ to Tara, and the rather niche category of ‘Most Knowledgeable About North African Countries’ to Edmund. 

Many thanks to the Scott family for being such hospitable hosts and particularly to Mr Scott for the entertaining and informative tour of his farm.

Mr Jeffery, Head of History and Geography