Year 7 French Trip to Paris 2019

Year 7 went to Paris in the fourth week of the Autumn term.  The combination of French language, art and history proved again to be very successful.

The first day was largely taken up with the train journey. We all enjoyed the comfort of Eurostar and met our guide Anne at the Gare du Nord.

Our second day was the first visit to central Paris, starting with a visit of the biggest Army museum in France, le musée des Invalides. All the children were amazed by the size of Napoleon’s tomb! Despite the rain, we then went on a boat trip on the river Seine.  This was a perfect introduction to some of the main sights. Next, we were off up the Eiffel Tower where we enjoyed a magnificent view; even the sun decided to come out!

On Wednesday, we learnt everything about perfume at the chic Musée Fragonard and enjoyed a private tour of the Stade de France. The afternoon was spent in Montmartre, shopping and admiring artists’ works.

Thursday morning started with a treasure hunt around the beautiful Musée d’Orsay looking for famous paintings of Van Gogh and Monet. After a lunch sunbathing near the Pyramid of the Musée de Louvre, we walked all the way to the Arc de Triomphe via the Champs-Elysées.

Thank you to all who took part for making the trip such a success. The pupils were commended on several occasions for their behaviour and the standard of their French.  Particular thanks to Mr Jeffery for his support. Madame Clayton